
2017 年 6 月 8 日更新

Added “Edit as Text” option to the Plugin Manager context menu.
・[RPG Maker MV]→[How to Use Aid Tools
Added several search options for all context menus: “Search”, “Search Next”, and “Search Previous”.
・[RPG Maker MV]→[Basic Editor Controls
Added the “Community_Basic” plugin.
・Documentation[Using Official Plugins

2017 年 3 月 21 日更新

It is now possible to use RPG Maker MV Tools in conjunction with RPG Maker MV.
・[RPG Maker MV]→[The Menu Bar
・[RPG Maker MV]→[How to Use Aid Tools
Added tutorials (beta).
・[RPG Maker MV]→[The Menu Bar
・[RPG Maker MV]→[How to Use Aid Tools
RPG Maker MV is now available for Linux.
・[RPG Maker MV]→[About RPG Maker MV]→[System Requirements
・Documentation[RPG Maker MV for Linux
・Documentation[RPG Maker MV for Linux]→[Graphics Driver Installation
・Documentation[RPG Maker MV for Linux]→[Running Games

2016 年 11 月 24 日更新

Added an option to generate child characters in the Character Generator.
・[How to use Aid Tools]→[Character Generator

2016 年 8 月 4 日更新

You now have the option to use encryption for deployment.
・Documentation[Output Formats
Added an Object Selector option.
[How to Use Aid Tools]→[Options
Added options to “Copy as Text” and “Copy as HTML tags” to the context menu of the Contents section on the Event Page.
Events [Map Event Settings]→[Editing Contents]→[Controls via the Context Menu

2016 年 4 月 21 日更新

You can now handle files in batches with the Resource Manager tool.
A [DLC] button has been added to the Resource Manager. (For Steam versions only)
[How to Use Aid Tools]→[Resource Manager]
Added a counterclockwise rotation function to the event command [Rotate Picture].
・Event Commands[Picture]→[Rotate Picture]
Added [Options] to [Tools].
[How to Use Aid Tools]→[Options]
Added an editor DPI scaling function to the Windows version.
The UI display in the editor is automatically adjusted when you change the DPI settings in Windows.
Added a scroll wheel zoom in/zoom out function for the map.
(For Windows users) Ctrl + Scroll Wheel
(For Mac users) Command + Scroll Wheel
Added [Refresh] to the Plugin Manager.
Documentation →[Enabling Plugins]→[Refreshing Plugins]
Fixed a bug in the looping for part of the music data.
The [Passage] indicator for Tileset [B] on the upper-left of the tile has been fixed to ☆.
Added and updated plugins.

2016 年 3 月 1 日更新




发布平台中新增 [Web Browsers(网页浏览器)]。
打包界面新增 [Exclude unused files(不包含未使用文件)] 选项。
・资料集 [输出格式]
新增 触屏UI、扭蛋、老虎机插件。
[使用官方插件]→[Gacha / GachaBook]
当你在编辑 事件/数据库/插件管理器 的内容时,点击取消键或者关闭按钮时会弹出提示对话框。
※ 若选择了 [Yes(确定)], 窗口将关闭,未保存的内容将丢失。
支持 Home/End 键。
当你在编辑事件页时,你可以使用键盘上的 Home/End 键来快速跳转到事件的 开头/末尾 。